Junior Pathway
Now is the perfect time to really get serious about this college process! We will work together over the course of our 10 sessions (or more if needed) to help ease some of the stress and unknowns surrounding your college process. The groundwork you lay Junior year is vital to your success Senior year and beyond!
After each session, you will leave with some independent tasks and items to think about before our next session together.
Pathway Overview
You can explore the journey we will take together in a timeline format below. I’ve also listed all 10 sessions individually so you can see how the process builds on itself towards your ultimate goal of identifying the perfect college.

1. Getting to Know You
Our first step is to get to know each other. Let’s connect and talk about you! We’ll discuss who you are, your passions, your academic interests, and most importantly your vision for how I can help guide your process.
2. Values Exercise Review
I will base this session on your Values Exercise results. We will dive into and dissect the meanings and cover some potential surprises from your assessment. This is the foundation for your values based decision making in the future!
3. Building the Long List
We will begin the process of crafting your college list. By talking through your values, desires, and expectations I will start to curate a list of colleges for you to further explore.
4. Selecting Classes for Senior Year
Based on your academic interests and desired majors we will create a winning plan for your last two semesters of high school classes.
5. Building the Short List
You’ve now visited some campuses, you’ve talked to some people, and you have a good idea of which 5-7 (or more!) schools you are serious about applying to. We will discuss your tour experiences and solidify your selections.
6. Application Prep
We will work together to create a punch list and game plan to make sure we are aligned on the tasks that need to be completed to get your applications submitted.
7. Application Workshop
I will help you feel confident about the content you are going to highlight in your applications. It’s important to have a narrative weaving throughout your application; I will help you craft this. It’s not just about answering questions, it’s telling a story about you to the admissions staff and application readers.
8. Application Feedback
Once you have drafted your applications, I will go through it carefully and provide feedback and comments to help refine your message and put your best foot forward.
9. Essay Feedback
Essays need to be authentic and uniquely you. I will help with the obvious work like grammar and edits, but most importantly, I’ll help you craft essays that highlight and speak to your experiences and qualifications so you rise above the crowd.
10. Acceptances Review/ Values Based Decision Making
I am so excited to have arrived with you at the end of this journey. We will take all that we have learned together about you, your values, and your vision to help align you with the best opportunity for you to thrive in the next four years, and beyond!
Get STarted TOday!
Email me to sign up, learn more, or discuss pricing for this pathway